A fake club from Manchester with the most plastic fans. They got no history and real fans. It is also an Oil Club
"Jason is a Gaychester Shitty fan"
When a fat bitch is twerkig in you and shits but her thong cuts it in half and the two shits land on each one of your legs
Oh yeah, she gave me a splitty shitty last night!
When you shit and poop comes out instead
"I took a shit and poop came out. A shitty poopoo in laymans terms
1. The opposite of shitty.
2. of very good quality; highly superior.
3. admirable; good, awesome.
3. fortunate; pleasant.
4. Being in a state of comfort or happiness; delighted.
5. competent; adept.
It's pretty un-shitty of you to let us crash here for the night.
When there is no toilet paper left and you have to sacrifice a sock
Mate get me some tp
We got none do a Shitty sock
A name made up by a person who has too much time on there hands and thinks it looks cool to diss a band that's currently the fad to dislike.
Also see Good Charlotte Haters
The person was so horrible at making fun of Good Charlotte that they actually thought that Shitty Charlotte was a good insult.
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