Source Code

web site

Something a lamer creates in order to seem more l33t

MY N3W web site 1N TEH GEOCITiES 0wNz j00!!!!!!!!!!!111

by Robey July 29, 2003

web site

A collection of( usually interlinked) web pages, usually under the same domain name, sharing a common theme or topic, and often produced by a person or team to represent a single person, a group, or a business.

If I need information, I'll check their corporate web site.

by AUDGuy July 25, 2003

web site

A page that has an email address which is usally trying to get you to buy something online.

www.Paylessshoesource.com. Famous for footwear.

by Kelly Castle July 26, 2003

web site

A cheap and easy way of seeing pornography without having the embarrassment of suffering the newsagent's stare.

eye f0und this l33t web site that had tits and fcuking n evrything.

by Orange Guber July 25, 2003

web site

A collection of wordweb pages/word found on the wordInternet/word, usually relating to a specific topic or area of interest. Sometimes constructed using an application like wordFrontPage/word, but build by the wordhardcore/word in Notepad.

www.urbandictionary.com is a cool website.

by The Rabid Definer July 24, 2003

web site

A semi-portable reference center. In the 60's, hippies and military men made the computer. Later, the internet was invented. Divisions of the internet are called a web site. On web sites, people can find information on anything, such as dictionaries or pornography.

The Urban Dictionary is a web site

by Slof July 13, 2003

site walker


1. A person or more commonly, apprentice who spends their day shuffling around the job site avoiding direct line of sight thus dodging anyone in authority who may give direction to complete a task.

1.5. A person or more commonly

Apprentice who is very skilled in looking at , touching and or moving small objects around site to camouflage doing absolutely fuck all.

2. A person or more commonly,
apprentice who smoke bombs once the tradesmen's back is turned.

3. A person or more commonly,
Apprentice who is completely uncontactable on site using the shouting method 5 times till you get the fucking shits and go look for them finding said person has timed there steps perfectly to appear from behind the nearest wall with a dumbfounded look caked on their face replying I didn’t hear you.

Hay Keven, where’s Bacon?
Fucked if I know, last time I saw he was shuffling like a site walker with ONE nail in hand, 100m to the skip bin

by I am Dicko September 1, 2022