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light skinned

Caramel complexion or ligher, normally referring to the color of one of African decent.

Halle Berry, Beyonce Knowles, Rihanna, Lisa Bonet, Kyla Prat are light skinned women.

by Desmera June 6, 2007

821๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skin a turd

To exhibit overwhelming prudence in financial or budgetary matters.

"Our finances will be OK in Dave's capable hands. He'd skin a turd that guy..."

by Diamond Tee April 9, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The practice of injecting drugs under the skin instead of directly into the bloodstream/vein. This is absolutely retarded as the effect cannot compare to the intravenous method, in addition the potential for infections that could dime the user out as professional medical attention will be required to circumvent the potential possibilities of much worse discomfort. In regards to injecting drugs it is the product of a missed injection, instead of into the circulatory system the solution is deposited anywhere else under the skin. This is not good as it is a possibility that this accident could potentially transform into cellulitis, and then there is a chance of an abscess. See further medical texts for the specifics, however it is not out of the realm of possibility this accident could result in loss of limb, or even loss of life. Ending on a positive note however, its much more likely you'll be sore at injection sight with some minor swelling, redness. Keep an eye on it and be more careful next time.

To most junkos the reckless practice of skin-popping is frowned upon and often discouraged. Injecting most things just under the skin can establish the beginnings of a very unpleasant drug injecting experience with medical consequences and the dumb-ass who did it will most definitely have 'some explaining to do' much more serious than Lucy had to do for Desi. Dumb-ass may also have to provide some telling information as to why they "no like Little Ricky"...โ€ฆ..haa-haa-haa!!

by Nikki Stixx April 8, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

skin tag

A growth on the skin that can vary between the size of a grain of rice, and in extreme cases, a golf ball. These unsightly growths are typically in areas of skin folds... the armpit, the groin or around the eyes or neck. They can be painful to remove, either by cauterization or cyro freezing.

Rob had a skin tag on his eyelid but had the one under his arm removed at the doctor's office.

by Curt B May 28, 2008

67๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

pagan skins

A nickname given to drums or percussive instruments by idiot Christian extremists who deem them unholy and Satanic instruments because they provide rhythm to a song which is a "earthly desire", were used in ancient pagan rituals to instigate possession and demons, and are the only modern instrument not mentioned in the Bible for Godly praise. Damn Pentacostals.

In Heaven, Jesus will be listening to Neil Peart.

by DexterSR300DX April 6, 2003

31๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skin popping

Injecting into skin, not into veins or muscles or anything. It is not the best way because some drugs get lost in your tissues so the effect is not as strong, and you're more likely to get absesses this way.

Yeah, his veins are all collapsed now so he's been skin popping the heroin.

by Jeweliepop February 15, 2009

103๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skin Tripping

Tactile, or "touch" hallucination. Associated with more intense psychedelics.

That Salvia extract just seemed to calm Legs down, but Ian was straight skin tripping on the sofa, all saying he was sinking into the cushions...

by mctrashpedal November 26, 2010

80๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž