The act of shaking the hand of the father immediately after using that hand on his daughter without washing first.
... so i was finger bagging her and we heard her Dad come home. I tryed sneaking out but he caught us. I even shook the Dads hand with washing it first!! Dude thats Sneaky Greco
Another term for silent rapist.
You don't say you've been raped. you say you've been sneaky gangstered.
When the booty doesnt look fat but it still jiggles when you smack it
An alcoholic beverage comprised of bottom of the shelf liquor mixed with Scope.
Pass me that sneaky julep before the railroad cops find us!
Dating app girls who don't post full body pics, and the face could debatably be any body type
Dude 1: " Did you go on a date with that Stacy chick?"
Dude 2: "Yeah man- she ended up being a sneaky chonk."
When someone (especially an unsuspecting friend) asks to borrow a pair of gloves you cum inside the gloves before handing them over and watch and wait for their disgust. This works particularly well at ice skating.
Did he just ask you for spare gloves?
Yeah, I'm gonna sneaky glove him!
Dude, that is gonna be joke.
A Sneaky Meek is a person who ravages the food supply of another to the point that this person is left with none. The Sneaky Meek is usually at it's most devastating when it is inebriated and becomes rude for food. It's known to hide the gathered food for later periods of feeding after brief hibernation. Popular hiding spots include under beds and under sinks. The Sneaky Meek can most commonly be found in the northern Hemisphere of the United States.
Jane: "Where did my frozen chicken nuggets and flounder go?"
John: "It must have been the Sneaky Meek, go check under his bed"
Jane: "Yep, there's an empty plate here with crumbs."
John: "Classic Sneaky Meek."