It is used to call someone who just stole your belongings.
Those damned snickers stole my car!
Yo look at that snicker, the encarnation of vantablack
Hym "OH! THERE'S A SNICKERS IN HERE TO! I'M EATING THAT FIRST! BUY A SNICKERS TOO! You can eat that now. You don't have to wait an hour for that one."
missing the toilet when you poop
i just had a snickers in the bathroom yesterday
a non-resistible snack that everyone loves when there hungry
Ugh I'm so hungry I could eat a ton of snickers
A crap a female may get in their bum hole, specially while it’s that time of the month.
Person 2: “must be on ur lady days aye”
Another way to call a person the "N" word and they have no clue
Did you see that snicker? Mmm...
When two people are doing anal and the boy cums and the other participant has a shitty asshole and it forms a glob of a weird substance, aka snicker puff