A Slang or term to use to point out a person of special needs.
Boi you sped for along a dumb question like that.
(Special ed)
Stands for Special Ed. This includes Vedh in Georgia, Carl in Texas and Mandana in Georgia.
I had sex with a sped kid. I regret my life and my life choices.
A sped is short term for “special education” normally referred to special education students, ones who get special treatment at school because of learning disabilities, for being introverted, etc.
“Watch out for that one sped over there, once he ran up to a girl, ripped out some of her hair and tried to eat it”.
a insult that is short for special education
Also known for being used in a TickleMyTip video called “Quandale Dingle - Speed Diss”
Im changing your name from speed to sped,
Cus nigga u dumb as shed
A Sped is someone that takes Special Education
Yo look at the Sped eating his own shit