Source Code

Celtic Starfish

When two people spread their butt cheeks and touch their buttholes together. A very popular sexual adventure in Manhattan IL.

After Ryan Delaney got done bleaching his butthole, he was very excited to touch our buttholes together, marking off Celtic Starfish on our Sex Bingo card.

by Furies Hecate July 4, 2022

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Champagne Starfish

When a person gets drunk on Champagne and is too intoxicated to be any use in the bedroom. All they can manage to do is lie on their back on the bed in a 'starfish' position while the other partner does all the work.

I had too much to drink last night and became a Champagne Starfish

by chipsyfox August 27, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Starfish CPR

When boyfriend and girlfriend have reached a plateau in their relationship where no shame is felt and they decide to place their anuses together. Then when one of them has to fart, they then unceremoniously do an exchanging of rectal air so as to revive the other's chocolate starfish and to allow the suffocated ones anus to "breathe" again. This may occur as many times back and forth as nature sees fit or until both parties can no longer butt French to keep the passing of farts going due to laughing fits as having someone fart up your ass is hilarious just as a thought, nevermind an action. I truly hope to see viral videos of this online soon. Screw Brazilian Fart Porn, its Starfish CPR now. Created from the hilariously sick mind of Jake Galloway.

John: "Last night me and Lisa did Starfish CPR like 4 times before we ran out of butt air."
Steve: "I'm gonna ask Donna to do Starfish CPR with me tonight, we had beans for lunch and I just know we can beat your record."
John: "We are gonna try adding flour to the mix and watch ourselves in the mirror, Its gonna be hilarious."
Steve: "Were getting so good at it were thinking of doing it at our wedding."

In the other room
Lisa: "Last night John made me do starfish CPR with him its like a habit now, we do it like 10 times a day. He is proud we made it to 4."
Donna: "Yeah I know, I like how it feels but it tickles my rectum so much.
Lisa: "He mentioned flour in the crevice so it would show how much air we were missing."
Donna: "He thinks we are gonna do it at the wedding, my mother would be mortified.

by Jacob Galloway November 27, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

pink starfish

A pink starfish is a young guy's puckered asshole.

I like to lick Matt's pink starfish while I jack him off!

by eda-skip May 13, 2023

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Awkward starfish

1) A situation where it does not hit you right away. Once it is realized, the person then angrily (or amusingly) smacks the other person in the face with their palm, hence an awkward starfish.

2) An excuse to jokingly slap the other person

Person A: Firing a rifle hurts my finger..
Person B: LOL
Person A: ............

by evilgoo May 28, 2009

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A homosexual, someone who is gay.

Chris is a starfish trooper

by gbergman April 20, 2005

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Naked Starfish

After a one night stand you pretend to fall asleep naked, and when the other person gets up to use the bathroom spread out arms and legs wide over the whole bed, perhaps sunny side up, and pretend you can't be woken so they leave without awkward pleasantries.

"I was tired and he snored so when he got up to pee I totally naked starfished."

by WnLg5 May 17, 2013

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