Source Code

L.I.G.M.A Strike

Lemon Infused Gargantuan Man-made Apocalypse Strike

The worst way to have your country end, but an amazing way to die. This device can vaporize anything within a 30-mile radius, any person within a 100-mile radius will be temporary blinded and hit with the smell of fresh lemons. It will take the shockwave about 15 seconds to reach 100 miles while it loses 6.67% of its power every second. Everything will be covered in yellow dust after the citrusy blast and 30-foot tall lemons will cover the area.

Inspired by Cave Johnson’s Combustible Lemon.

“Hey, what’s that falling from the sky?”
“What’s a L.I.G.M.A Strike?”
“It’s a Lemon Infu-”

by Steven The Absolute Idiot September 2, 2022

Counter strike

A game made for kids who just stopped playing minecraft for 5 years. This game is a little bit on the slow side, but the overpowered guns insure for a quick death.
The weapon “skins” in the game that can be sold for real life money are found in ‘Crates’. These crates have a chance to give different rarities of skins (with a knife skin being the rarest tier.)
This game has been criticized for its “gambling websites” which allows people of any age to gamble their skins (which are worth real money) to have a chance to get a better one. It has also been criticized for its salty community.

“All these kids on Counter strike keep using those auto-snipers”

by xX_Boss_Xx December 9, 2017

Like Strike

When your so-called friends refuses to "like" anything on Facebook wall out of jealousy... Comments, statuses, pictures, everything.
However, the same 'friend' can be seen likely every other Trival post on Facebook.

Me: Jenny was being a bitch on Facebook chat, so i'll like strike her wall.

Jenny: WTF is up with all of these notifications?

Jill: Loved your holiday photo's from Miami!
Me: Yeah, although I noticed Steve didn't like a single thing.
Jill: Really?! he's liked all my posts about my cat.
Me: Clearly he's on like strike.

by irish-barbarian July 11, 2014

Hunger strike

Feeding somebody that won't feed themselves but has the ability to (such as an otherwise healthy adult) is treating them better than they are treating themselves.

If they're keeping their prisoner alive rather than torturing or murdering her, they're treating her just fine, she's just not getting the treatment she wants, and that's why there is all the bad press about the hunger strike. If it was a male, nobody would give a fuck, if they weren't already laughing at him over his stupidity.

by The Original Agahnim November 9, 2021

Hunger strike

A way for someone to undo themself and everything they have ever done.

People participate in their own undoing, whether they are male, female, white, black, asian, latino/a, indian, or anything else such as islander. A hunger strike is no different than any other form of undoing, someone could die by trying to scare everyone else into doing something that way, and it ends up being everyone but the person that went on the hunger strike getting blamed for their undoing, when in reality nobody else is obligated to fall apart to put humpty dumpty back together again.

by The Original Agahnim November 9, 2021

Hunger strike

People should do whatever they want in life, as long as they take the consequences that go with it. A hunger strike is no different.

By feeding someone on a hunger strike through a tube, they are trying to keep her alive even though she doesn't seem to want to be alive and won't feed herself. She isn't on her hunger strike for selfless reasons because she is human and not an animal, and her hunger strike was her own doing. Only animals are entirely innocent and selfless.

by The Original Agahnim November 9, 2021

Strike Raid

(In an FPS) to completely decimate an opponent or other team with consecutive head shots or grenade kills or even stupid things like chasing them off a high place or melee-ing.
(Silly note, strike raid is also a command in the KH series.)

1.)I completely strike raided that other team!
2.)Let's give these zaambies the strike raid of their life!

by FriedChickenMan February 29, 2016