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Ski Swap

When a woman is pleasuring herself (or being pleasured by her lover) using a frozen dildo and pulls an switches from vaginal to anal penetration or vise versa

"so then I grabbed the rubbery dong from the freezer and went ski swap on the bitch"

by leonarda dewincey November 16, 2009

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A tactical, coordinated, and undercover swap between girls you and one or more friend(s) wish to attain.

You and a buddy are at a bar and each pick up a girl. Then, you decide you like your friend's girl more. Lucky for you, your friend thinks the girl you met is cuter. Slyly, you both redirect conversations and ease the ladies into the new rearragement. Next thing you know, you're maccin on the girl your friend originally picked up, and he's cheezin on the girl you found first. I give you the Doggie-swap.

by Hermin S. Squitz April 23, 2010

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Swap Meet

When two people are in prison, they are forced by gaurds to fuck each other. Hence, SWAP MEAT.

Felix: Hey cell mate, did you hear that?
Mate (Bubba): I think the gaurds are coming!
Felix: Ah shit, hey bubba, grab the vasoline, we are gonna have to Swap Meet.

by KCL September 13, 2004

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Cock Swap

Cock swap is when one party cock blocks, only to replace said lost cock with an alternative one.

Gay guy A is about to hook up with gay guy B, when gay guy C cock swaps causing guy B to leave.

by Gay Guy A January 17, 2009

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dark swap

when you are bangin a girl/guy in the dark and you get off and tell them you are going to the bathroom. meantime your buddy is waiting to trade places with you, and your buddy preceeds to go into the room wher the girl/guy was left in the dark and finishes the job. works best if the second person doesn't talk to avoid comprimising the situation.

a.k.a. double dippin, taggin out, or calling the bullpen

dude, that dark swap we pulled last night was brilliant. she never knew it wasn't you when i was bangin her.

by rappatap November 1, 2007

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credit default swap

(FINANCE) financial instrument in which buyer is someone who needs insurance against the possibility that a borrower will default on a loan. In that case, the counterparty is whoever receives the CDS premiums, and pays out in the event of default.

Loans are usually made by either commercial banks (in which a loan officer is supposed to make a professional assessment of risk of default before handing over the money), or by investment banks (which underwrite securities like bonds). If the borrower has a high risk of default, then the loan should not be made--period.

Credit default swaps were a stupid method of supposedly turning a bad loan into a "risky" (and potentially high-yield) "investment"; they were in reality a strategy for fraud. Since portfolio managers knew they were bundling securitized loans that contained mostly crap, they would arrange credit default swaps and cash in when the borrowers defaulted.

What the bankers hit on was a sort of insurance policy: a third party would assume the risk of the debt going sour, and in exchange would receive regular payments from the bank, similar to insurance premiums. JPMorgan would then get to remove the risk from its books and free up the reserves. The scheme was called a "credit default swap," and it was a twist on something bankers had been doing for a while to hedge against fluctuations in interest rates and commodity prices.

{Newsweek, "The Monster That Ate Wall Street," 27 Sep 2008}

by Abu Yahya July 17, 2010

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Cock Swap

When two girls mutually agree to "swap" their respective boyfriend's cock for the other's.

Mary and Betty were tired of fucking their boyfriends, so they agreed to cock swap for the night.

by spunkjordan June 5, 2016

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