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Cancer Man

On the TV show "The X-Files," Fox Mulder's cigarette-smoking, shadowy, primary nemesis throughout the show's run from 1993 - 2002.

Whenever he appeared he was always either smoking, lighting up, rudely blowing smoke in someone's face, or putting out one of his trademark "Morley" cigarettes.

He may have headed up Federal agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA, and he was apparently responsible for the abduction of Mulder's sister and was potentially their actual biological father. He also apparently had some role in almost every government conspiracy/coverup dating back at least as far as the 1947 Roswell, NM extraterrestrial incident.

His real name was finally revealed to be "C.G.B. Spender" in the 6th season of the show.

Mulder: "Tell me where they've taken Scully, you black-lunged son-of-a-bitch!"

Cancer Man (while lighting a Morley and walking away): "All in good time... Mulder."

by dookeyboy December 21, 2010

44πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


harmfull tobacco rolled in paper with a useless filter at the end. chock full of nicotine and other shit that will lung rape you in the future. proven marijuana is less hurtful then cancer-sticks COUGHcigarettesCOUGH COUGH omigawd i need a fix because i'm a spineless pussy and i'm spending $60 a week on cigarettes. those of you who quit bless your souls, those of you who quit for 2 days and get back on it, and do this repeatedly...grow a back bone if i can stop smoking cigarettes you can to.

-for fucks sake put that cancer-stick out
-shuddap you people the reason i smoke cigarettes
-no it's because your weak ass fucking gave into peer pressure like a BITCH!!!

by deejaysjoosijays April 16, 2007

208πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Bieber Cancer

When Bieber Fever is so excessive, that there is no cure. Can be found in multiple girls aged 5-40.

Signs of Bieber Cancer are:
1. Knowing every single Justin Bieber song ever written
2. Constantly talking about him
3. Believing that he is in love with you
Unlike other cancers, Bieber Cancer is contagious.
If you or someone you know are showing signs of Bieber Cancer, please contact a medical professional.

Carol- "OMG I just bought this JB poster! He's sooooo hot! And his haircut is sooooo cute!"
Sawyer- "Wow, she has serious Bieber Fever."
John Michael- "Its worse. Its freaking Bieber Cancer."

by meisfreakinamazin March 6, 2011

32πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

fucking cancer

absolute worst type of fucking aids and cancer squared

"this class is fucking cancer"

by dankgod69 April 1, 2016

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Cancer Porn

A book, movie, television documentary, etc. which exploits the sadness and drama of cancer. Such a work will often make the cancer patient (and/or caregiver) into a glowing hero/ine with boundless enthusiasm, energy, love and forgiveness. Cancer porn makes cancer look glamorous while down playing the pain and ugliness of the disease.

She: I hear that new movie "A Cancer Love Story" is really lovely! Sounds like a great date movie.

He: I hear it's maudlin CANCER PORN and should be avoided like a severe case of melanoma.

by BillyFLA September 17, 2009

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cancer sticks

A euphemism for filterless cigarettes, not to be confused with joints.

Pass me some cancer sticks nigga.

by Lindsey March 27, 2005

251πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

cancer sign

Cancer men are 9/10 super attractive, although astrology might say that they are bottom they are usually the one on top, they love giving pet names and challenging their partner. They’re very caring and don’t give a fuck what people think. Cancer women are usually the top in the relationship, they give out orders and enjoy giving pet names. Although they can be very fucking hypocritical they’re fun at times.

Woah did you see them, they’re total a cancer sign.

by freak>;) November 28, 2020

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž