A hole that brings so much pleasure it makes you cheer YAY
Tim: “you’re a sus!”
Randy: “Cram it up your YAY HOLE”
Katie: “Why is there a hole in this movie theater booth we are in?”
John: “it’s called a yay hole!”
Joe: “Holy cow that chick is sexy!”
Kevin: “I wanna play with her yay hole”
Dan: “why do you call the basketball hoop a yay hole?”
Dusty: “ because every time someone gets the ball in the hole everyone screams YAY”
Dan: “ just like I scream Yay when my ball goes in my girls mouth?”
Dan: “I like her yay hole”
sarcastically excited but you also dont give a fuck
meaning: yay i dont give a fuck
1: i am (some boring useless thing nobody wants to hear about here)!
2: yay idgaf
Toronto slang for Don't worry or no a problem
Jason: Hey thanks for lunch bro
Sam: N-yay
A day made up by a first grader who wanted to finesse more gifts from her father less than a month after Christmas.
Every 3rd Sunday of January you have to decorate, send out invitations, & bring presents. The day will also consist of arts & crafts !!
“OMG I can’t wait to see what everybody gets for YAY-Day!”
“YAY-Day is better than Valentine’s Day if you ask me.”