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Filthy Santa

An alcoholic shot that is half milk (preferably Vitamin D) and half Vodka (preferably unflavored Burnett's)...You must also take a bite of a cookie before drinking.

Dude, you lost the drinking game so now you have to take a Filthy Santa while we take a video. Try not to puke!

by Gooooooch July 3, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Santa

A fatass black man from the ghetto who delivers presents to all da good lil' chillun in the hood. He drives a red Cadillac EXT with a big sack in the back and breaks into the white neighborhoods at night to steal their shit and bring it to all his niggas and bitches. Instead of coming down the chimney, Black Santa breaks down your door and his elves help him lift your couch into his truck. If you see Black Santa, don't say shit 'cause he carries a .45.

Boy: What happened to my Playstation?
Dad: Yep, Black santa was here.

by GetIISteppin September 23, 2012

100๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

secret santa

This is a method of exchanging gifts amongst a group of people. All members enter their name into a pot. Then each member draws a name. You buy a Christmas gift for the person whose name you've drawn. You're supposed to keep the name of person you've drawn secret: thus "secret" santa.

Due to 8 years of Bush regime rule, we are now too poor to buy each member of the family a gift, so we'll do secret santa this year.

by rich rick March 30, 2010

121๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

filthy santa

on christmas you cover the floor with dirt (or danieles face) and you place your penis in her ass and you pull out and you take the shit thats on your penis and you put it in the milk by the fire place and santa has a nice surprise

one time my friend brian gave this women a filthy santa by placing a pail over her head because he didn't want to look at her and than she drank the milk ya know cuz daniele is gross ya know she looks like a human herpy ya know she smells like an elephants asshole ya know she likes to lick da trunk while gettin humped while watching forest gump ya know shes ugly like ass ya know

by mamoth milf balls March 19, 2008

273๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž

santa claus

The term "Santa Claus" is an American distortion of the Dutch name "San Niccolaus", meaning "Saint Nicolas". He is known by many other names around the world, such as "Kris Kringle" in some places and "Father Christmas" in Great Britain. Saint Nick was a Catholic bishop in what is now modern Turkey during the days of the Roman Empire. He left gifts for poor people in his town and after he died the legend of St. Nick coming to homes in a chariot carrying presents for good people was born. The legend was spread along with Christianity and when that faith reached the Arctic St. Nick started riding a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. The legend spread around the globe and in the 20th century in America Coca-Cola provided the modern image of "Santa" as fat, jolly, rotund, with white hair and beard, wearing a red suit and black boots and of course, drinking a bottle of Coke. He is beloved by children all over.

Santa Claus is based on a real person, just like many "fairy tales" and myths that have existed throughout history.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 25, 2006

243๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž

Santa Claus

A fat, drunk man that breaks into your house every Christmas. Often seen wearing red and abusing animals (Reindeer, dogs , cats, etc.) for the purpose of moving around. Often has a gang of short people that dress up in green outfits.

Did you see Mr. Johnson the other day? He was such a Santa Claus!

by OlfinSeaSquid April 22, 2018

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Santa Barbara

It's a great place to visit if you stay in the downtown area. State street is the main shopping area for tourists and preppy rich kids. There is(or was) a whore house on Haley Street. Walk down there in the evening and you may see a few prostitutes. The pier has great places to eat and shop. There's a fortune teller there if you're interested in getting ripped off. There are also rental shops where you can rent bikes, roller skates, mini cars, and more. If you leave the downtown area be sure to check out Isla Vista(IV). College parties galore.

Many people think the inhabitants of Santa Barbara are all rich snobs. This is untrue. While some of the teenagers and college goers are snobs most of us are just laid back stoners/tweakers who are constantly bored. On weekends college goers can be found in IV at frat parties and bars. High schoolers can be found driving around aimlessly, downtown on numerous drugs, in IV partying, or at public elementary schools on numerous drugs.

Other Facts
Santa Barbara's teenage populance is turning scene. Help stop the problem by providing the rest of us with plenty of drugs.
Dos Pueblos High School is the birth place of this scenester tragedy. It is also known as the hick school because it is surrounded by various farm land.
Camino Real used to be the hang out place on weekends until the rest of us got cars and better drugs.
According to us Panda Express is real Chinese food and Taco Bell is real Mexican food.
In n Out is the main fast food place.
We are notorious "dude" users.

Ignorant asshole: "Santa Barbara is filled with rich snobs"
Me: "Actually Santa Barbara is filled with nihilistic stoners/tweakers who are much cooler than your punk ass will ever be."

by Emelia September 28, 2005

173๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž