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Pecker dick

A very small fast penis

My ex boyfriend stabbed me with his pecker dick and finished too fast :(

by Momma Den August 7, 2009

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Pecker Checker

That Fucking Flaming, Faggot standing at the urinal next to you...
And he isn't even Pisssssssssing!!!

" I think that Pecker Checker wanted to be a Peter eater for a day"?

by mavros April 8, 2006

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Bobzes pecker

having an extremly large penis, in length, girth, and overall size. Bobzes can only be achieved by a white male with a perfect penis. no nasty crooked black donkey dicks

damn girl..i was with him last night and you were right...bobzes pecker is the best dick ever

by MinneDROda March 21, 2005

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pecker pals

the engaging of two like species , commonly two boys who like each others masculine qualities to the point that they are in love with each others peckers. for example nick kemp is pecker pals with clint gothier. they often find themselves relaxterbating each other with peanut butter.

nick kemp and clint became pecker pals after the date at Zaxby's

by adkins ..biotch April 11, 2005

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pecker donk

the striking or thwacking of the pecker(penis) and often the balls or testicles as well.
accompanied by pain in end of dick and/or balls if they have been struck or not.

PECKER DONK!(hits groin area)

by todd andrew francis September 14, 2003

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Piss Pecker

When one has to piss so badly that they are sporting a chubby while holding back the yellow stream.

Hey man, I don't think I'm gonna make it back to the house. I am totally sporting a raging Piss Pecker right now.

by Sepster September 21, 2011

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becker pecker

A slut who will suck anyone's dick for fun.

Damn. Thats Becker pecker right there.

by 666jackass666 January 3, 2016

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