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The FAB Scale

A very accurate and new measurement scale used to measure the hotness/attractiveness of a man or woman. It's an acronym: F stands for Face, A stands for Aura (personality, how they carry themselves, etc), B stands for Body (figure, boobs, rump, etc.). Each letter is given a number out of 10, ending either with a number out of thirty or something like this: 7F-5A-9B.

Boy #1: Ok, what about Jennifer Aniston?
Boy #2: On the FAB scale, 8F-9A-7B. If you're referring to the "Friends" era, 9-B.

by jelloshotjerry June 18, 2015

cake scale

the scale to measure the hottness of the opposite sex

|. Cookies.
|. honey cake
|. cake
|. muffin
|. kosha
|. bread
|. butterz
|. mouldy cake

"on the cake scale, where is jack?"
"sooooo cake"
"kosha more like"
"im sorry hunni" *nods head*

by bobii November 19, 2007

the redwood scale

a measurement of the number of proverbial redwood trees shoved up a person's rectum at any given time. The higher the redwood count the more unpleasant the person.

What a bitch, she's at least a 3.5 on the redwood scale

by MidwayDrFleming January 12, 2004

Hoe Scale

It's pretty self-explanatory.

A scale in which people rate the appearance of a woman, but instead of (1-10) they use words to replace

Dude, that girl is totally a booty slapper on the Hoe Scale

by slaptackle September 7, 2016

backcountry scale

The scale (also know as “BC”) used to rate a chic you see in the back country, vs. in a big urban area like r your hometown. Generally you get a +2 bump up since almost every backcountry chic is full granola.

Damn! That chic was fire. At least an 8 on the backcountry scale. Solid BC 8.

by ACL shredder October 12, 2023

Fairusa Scale

The Fairusa Scale is the scale is used to determine that a woman of unknown hotness, is either actually really hot, or that you want to punch her right in the mouth.

The scale takes into consideration all possible possible images of Fairusa Balk, then you pass in the woman of unknown hotness, using specific comparison algorithms, comparison operators, and levers and pulleys. you can then extrapolate that you may in fact have to punch a woman right in the mouth.

this scale actually runs along side the normal Scale of Hotness that is also know as the 1 - 10 Scale of Hotness.

Damn, look at that girl over there, I cannot tell if she is hot or I just want to punch her in the mouth, I am going to need to run this through the Fairusa Scale to find out.

*BAM* right in the mouth, she was a 2,

by kernelsandirs October 3, 2013

banter scale

The banter scale is a scale to determine the on going banter.
You have your friendly banter, then your regular banter, then your great banter and eventually harsh banter.

"So I rarely refer to the banter scale, but yesterday's banter was off the charts."

by Potato_killer March 15, 2016

4👍 1👎