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A troll, is a slang term for someone who causes great disruption for the purpose of personal pleasure.

The term troll has often been used in association with the word Joshua. For example; Wow you are such a shit-disturber I thought you were Joshua.

by MelCel123 October 15, 2012

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A really annoying person on the Internet. Unless you're homestuck trash. Then it's still an annoying person on the Internet.

Man he's such a troll with his grey skin and horns.

by Unisenpai February 17, 2015

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A creature who is an asshole on the Internet and goes around making people mad. This strange creature also has A terrible reputation of glitching in video games and convincing others who they are like someone famous and then lying about it.

We thought we had heard Rihanna playing call of duty black ops 2 online, so we got her Skype, so we thought, when we saw her it was just a fatass troll taking a shit on a camera

by Miley Cyrus January 17, 2015

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A person who puts up definitions on urbandictionary

Stop being such a troll

by bob_bobbb March 20, 2016

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Term that originally referred to internet forum posters who attempted to disrupt good conversation with inflammatory rhetoric. Now used primarily as an insult by real trolls aimed at those making arguments the other forum members don't like.

Although many forum admins won't allow name-calling, members often get around this rule by throwing around the troll ad hominem excessively.

RedState - The supreme court just ended freedom as we know it by passing government run healthcare.
MisterReason - The Supreme Court is not capable of "passing" bills. The PPACA is not a government run healthcare proposal. All healthcare will still be privately run.
DixieChic - Who let the troll in the door?
TheGipper - Someone ban this troll

by Zadig July 2, 2012

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The art of deliberately and/or cleverly pissing people off or riling people up, in person or on the internet.

A form of entertainment frequently used by visitors of Fire Island, New York.

"Jason is SUCH a troll," said Alana to her friends Aviva and Zach. He loves trolling 7 year olds and fellow redheads on Fire Island.

I see a man coming. Too Much Trolling! TMT! TMT!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by hipster101 May 27, 2014

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the act of doing or saying something outrageous in order to get a reaction out of someone else; something memelords like us are good at.

boy #1: yoooo i finally got a girlfriend

boy #2: you have got to be trolling me

by thesouponaplatehater March 28, 2017

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