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Ruskie Trombone

Much similar to a Rusty Trombone; however, one of the participants must be Russian OR the act of a Rusty Trombone must be performed in Russia; thus, Ruskie Trombone.

"Dude, did you see that new chick from Moscow? I'd let her give me a Ruskie Trombone, f'sho f'sho."

by TheDavester August 29, 2007

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crusty trombone

The act between 2 partners which includes buzzing in the male's rectum like a mouthpiece while jacking him off.

Dude, this saucy ho played the crusty trombone. Ive never felt music like that before!

by NOCrackhead September 1, 2005

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Strawberry Trombone

Jacking a guy off while licking his bloody anus.

Yo Todd, I really enjoyed giving you a Strawberry Trombone last night - yum!

by Mr. Happysad February 9, 2013

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Corporate Trombone

Similar to the infamous rusty trombone. The Corporate Trombone is played by those wishing to creep up the anuses of their superiors at work.

Me: Hey Sunit.

Sunit: Yeah?

Me: Look at how deftly Dave is playing the Corporate Trombone!!

by JayPee84 September 30, 2010

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sad trombone

Function: noun

1. Describes the sound made by a trombone to illustrate a depressing statement, action, or moment. "Wah waah". Pioneered on the SNL skit Debbie Downer.

Tad: Bjorn, did you show Nell those pictures of your new kitten?
Bjorn: I don't think so. Nell, would you like to see the pictures I have of Sir Fluffles?
Nell: Oh, Bjorn, I can't bear to look at pictures of cats -- they only make me think of watching my own Mr. Snowflake waste away due to the effects of Feline Leukemia.
Tad: Wow... sad trombone!

by Alana Post September 30, 2005

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Rusty Trombone

70+ answers, all repeating the same 3 wrong definitions.

The "ass eating while providing a handy" one comes closest, but it's still wrong.

Life Lesson: Less wrong is still wrong.

The correct answer is: A person giving a blow job while simultaneously reaching one hand, directly & with all due diligence, towards the recipient's reasonably ready & responsive rectum & inserting one or more fingers up the partner's ass, the desired effect being the added enjoyment of a prostate massage during the already pleasurable act of his penis being sucked.

The position & movement resembles the playing of a trombone much better & it's an easier sell should the perspective soloist be a bit hesitant.

Asshole 1: Dude, I was so coked up last night I couldn't even get it up so my nasty ass bitch slipped a couple of fingers up my ass while she was sucking me off & I nutted down her neck in like 3 min.

Asshole 2: Dude, that's called a Rusty Trombone & now you gay AF!

A1: Da'Fuq, ni66a, it was from a chick, so no homo.

A2: Don't matter, fingers up ya ass. Eww, & you enjoyed that gay shit too? You gay, ni66a, just come out, be loud & proud. Man, I don't give a fuck if you love dick, you still a homie. What, I said 'homie', don't start getting all butt hurt with m ... I mean, um, you know just ...

by ChuckgivenoFuck July 20, 2021

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Reverse Trombone

The act of performing oral sex on ones partner whilst simultaneously reeming their bowels with a dildo. Much like the rusty trombone, it resembles the trumpet player.

The reverse trombone Greg gave me last week was so good I still can't walk right

by crabby_dicks November 18, 2014

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