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Jared Joke

A joke or Meme that is completely irrelevant to the conversation.

"I got a flat tire on the highway and I don't know why?"

"Maybe if my cock was in your mouth you wouldn't of had a flat tire." -Jared Joke

by Steven Verrell December 24, 2014

Recycled Joke

the reuse of a joke told by one person by another in a different conversation usually because of lack of sense of humour.

Mark: Hey John What did the the chicken say to the cook.
John: Who gives a fuck that a Recycled Joke

by stevirus1608 September 26, 2010


When you are giving false information but in a joking voice or manner

I told my mom I was too sick for school in a joking manner, but I was clearly all right, so you could say I was joke-lying. A joke-lie is when you are giving false information but in a joking manner.

by Moneyman1 February 26, 2021

Death Joke

(N) A very bad and poorly timed joke. The worst joke a person could tell. A joke that not only spoils the mood, but makes the situation uncomfortable.

After Flynn told the death joke, you could here a pin drop, and every body headed for the door.

by Tresfingers October 16, 2011

Joke Human

Someone who is extremely loose, outrageous, silly, etc. every time they do anything whilst interacting with others in a social environment.

Also known as Juman (pronounced Jooman).

"Shake was such a Joke Human the other night when he swallowed a bottle cap."

"Those NFC boys over there are a bunch of Jumans."

by grannysam11 September 27, 2009

“ur” jokes

A series of jokes and comebacks that started with “ur mum gay” followed by “ur dad lesbian” and so on. The only known exception to all starting with “ur” is “no u” which reversed the insult. The newer the comeback the more devistating the roast

Joe: ur mum gay
Carl: ur dad lesbian
Joe: ur granny tranny
Carl: don’t make me do it
Joe: do it pussy
Carl: ur dicks a chick
Joe: *sent to an alternate reality forced to walk alone for all of eternity, ashes fall on the floor*
Janitor, hours later: these “ur” jokes gotta stop.

by Dank meemees March 24, 2018

Marry joke

A "joke" that makes no sense, isn't funny and generally starts an argument.

Jeff ruined the whole party by telling a Marry joke.

by Prs722 August 17, 2023