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Too faded

When one is under the influence of alcohol/ bud , to the point of no return, sleep isn’t an option, nor passing out . Too faded only way to be.

Bro *turns to said bro * I’m too faded *big ass smile on face*

Bro 2 word bro

by Goatvic September 18, 2019

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A tatoo on the body of am african american and/or black person

"hey nice black-too"

" 'ey thanks i just got it done, you like??"

by deathpony94 February 2, 2009

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Too Full

A generic saying for when something is just stupid honestly. Usually meaning something is unwanted or unloved. Sometimes used exclusively to exclude someone from a gathering or place.

Joey: Hey can Kyle go to the party?
Nick: No if Kyle goes to the party, it'll just be too full.

by RightOk May 7, 2018

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too ready

When girls be so eager to have sex that they have surpassed being a hoe and graduated to being too ready.

"You see Keisha eating that banana on Instagram?"
"Yaaaas girl, she too ready"

by Hollaleezi January 18, 2015

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Too Hot

The resulting message concluded when one runs a radioactive sample through a scintillation counter that exceeds its measuring capabilities. A scintillation counter is a device for detecting and assaying scintillations produced by ionizing radiation.

To her delight, Amy discovered that her radioactive samples were TOO HOT to be assayed by a scintillation counter.

by Tong00 October 28, 2005

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Not too bad.

Socially acceptable way of saying "im not good" or "im not well" without inviting questions because you rather not talk about your problems.

"how're you?"
"Not too bad."

by Sad mc sadface November 20, 2017

23πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Limited Too

1. The brightest and trendiest store in all tween-dom. Clothing for girls between the ages of 7-13

2. Girls that shop in Limited Too have a tendency to shop/work in Abercrombie and Fitch, who then have a tendency to work at Hooters. Watch out Moms and Dads, these girls are expensive.

" ya I used to shop at limited too when i was little, that was before I started working at A&F, but I make TONS at HOOTERS now!"

by Tracy L. July 30, 2008

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