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Ciara type

a girl who has a dick and a pussy also a hermorphadite

mayne i meet this gurl and i was about to beat but she was one of those ciara type

by -Juice- August 18, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Typing Penis

A male or female that likes to be a douche bag online.

Clee Torice: "Someone just called me fat on Formspring!"
Mike Hunt: "Don't worry about it. It's just another typing penis"

by imaginemyass November 11, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

typing quirk

when somebody alters the way they type, using interesting punctuation, numbers in place of letters or something else unique.

without typing quirk: Hello, Iโ€™m Astrid! I hope to make friends with some like minded people on this website and make my profile look all cute >:D

with typing quirk: hell0 , i โ€˜m astr1d !! i h0pe 02 make fr1ends โ€˜โ€™ with s0me l1ke m1nded pe0ple on th1s webs1te . . && make . my profile look all . cute !!~ >:D

by ilikebunniesalot January 6, 2023

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sisser Typing

the result of too much drinking then attempting to type on internet chat boards. the result being semi-incoherent comments, and really bad spelling.

sitru typeew ing ?

that says sissertyping...

by chopperdiva July 16, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


the stereotype badge that means nothing more than just an annoying noisy sound coming from an empty coffee can.

also means TYPE RICER.

muscle car guy: what car do u have?

ricer guy:i drive a honda civic type r.

muscle car guy:oh?type ricer?

by brootalkid September 17, 2009

42๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

attractive types

the different types of attractiveness a girl can have.

1. Fine: when a girl's body is awesome. The saying "beauty is only skin deep" has nothing to do with being fine because you can take all the skin off this type of girl and the ultimate shape of her body would still be the same.

2. Cute: when a girl just has an aluring appearance. This doesn't necessarily mean that she's fine; it could just mean she has a good selection of clothes, make up, hairstyles, or whatever makes her look attractive. It is even possible to be a little overweight and still be Cute.

3. Hot: when a girl's appearance instantly grabs your attention. Not to be confused with sexy; hot girls can actually have intelligence while sexy girls tend to be or act mentally slow at times. Also known as Beautiful.

4. Sexy: the better version of Hot. Sexiness in girls is a balanced combination between Fine and Cute, meaning that her body is awesome along with everything else (clothes, hairstyle, etc). Since their brains are so busy pumping estrogen into their awesome bodies, they sometimes lack or pretend to lack inteligence.

5. Goddess: when a girl's appearance AND personality fits in perfectly with a guy's ideal girl. Also known as "dream girl." They can be fine, cute, hot, or sexy.

My personal choices for each of the attractive types:

1. Beyonce
2. Rihanna
3. Layla Kayleigh
4. Vida Guerra
5. whoever I marry....perhaps Beyonce =/

by JonnyXYZ July 9, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

type of way

(adj.) An emotion commonly experienced by minorities who lack an expanded vocabulary to express how they feel. Researchers have not been able to pinpoint what this emotion resembles since it can be experienced by people who exhibit positive feelings and by others exhibit negative feelings.

"Having to stay late at work makes me feel some type of way."

"I love Johnny. His dick makes me feel that type of way!"

"Getting t-bagged on xbox live makes me feel some type of way."

by wisdom of our generation June 13, 2014

88๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž