The quality of the music is worth playing more than once.
The replay value of Butterfly by Michael Jackson is worth play till today.
When trying to come up with a quick formula, the widget value is the basic quick number you can always plug in to the formula and the answer will be about right.
Our products range in price from $3.50 - $7.00 so if we want to estimate sales, let's just use a widget value of five bucks. If we sell 10,000 items, using our widget value of 5.00 that means we will have sales of $50,000.
How effective someone is at keeping an eye on a device, situation, fellow human, etc.
A mushy-hearted ticket-puncher at a museum isn't of much monitory value if a giggle of pretty girls is able to flutterbuy his just waving them through without paying!
Applying valuation metrics across multiple industries
He does technical analysis coupled with carpet bombing value analysis .
In poker, EV (or expected value) is the amount of money a player is expected to win in a given situation, based on math.
%win/lose= equity
$won/lost= number of big blinds
You should bet 10bb on this flop, it will give you the highest EV (expected value)
noun: a real or imagined scenario where significant resources are saved or gained, especially when multiple events or conditions coincide with synergistic effect. The phrase is typically used as an exclamation to describe and affirm such a scenario.
Synonyms: #valueadded #winning #starsalign
Antonyms: #shitshow #goatrope #snafu #soupsandwich
Usage: I went to federal building to get that personal information and in the waiting room I secured partnerships for my volunteer advocacy work and completed three time-sensitive tasks for work - and I got it all done in the 40 mins that was left on the parking meter from the previous driver…and it was the closest spot to the entrance. And it was above 0 degrees and sunny Value fantasy!!
When someone is truly valued and appriciated by a friend
Or not a valued and wanted
"You are truly valued as a friend"