I face you usually make to piss someone off or entertain yourself
Dude I'm going to make a weird face at that asshole
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Weird faces are commonly used in boring situations in order to entertain oneself. (ex. on a train or a snakeless plane) Generally, these weird faces are part of a game known as the "weird face game" (WFG) The rules for WFG are as follows:
- There is a maximum an a minimum of two participants
- Person A would initiate the game by making a weird face until Person B notices and acknowledges Person A.
This is proof that I will do anything other than my summer reading.
- Once eye contact is made, Person B has five (5) seconds to respond to Person A by making a similar face
- After Person B copies the initial face, Person A will change their face and exchanges would continue in the same manner until is over
There are multiple reasons why a WFG may come to a conclusion.
1. One of the participants laughs. If this happens, the non-laughing participant wins
2. Something distracts only one of the players from the game, making them unable to make a new face or copy a face within the 5 second period. If this happens, the participant who is not distracted wins.
3. If something, however, were to distract both participants, then the game ends in a draw.
The game may also end in draw for the following reasons:
- The players become tired and agree to end
- A "Psyche Out"
A "Psyche Out" occurs when a bystander becomes so annoyed or weirded out by the game, that they yell at the participants. The term "Psyche Out" was stolen from the movie Baseketball.
Vik: Makes a weird face
Angela : Copies weird face
--------Weird faces continue for 10 minutes------
Vikas: Stop being gay guys.
14π 15π
foreign slang for stupid and/or stupid head; unable to function normally
Damn, Sheniqua that weird ass, nasty, Texas Chainsaw lookin, hoebag, keeps lookin dis way.
26π 31π
Coomonly Mistaken For So Strange The Best Tv Show Disney Ever Did It Featured Disney First Dabbleing into The Supernatural Relm With Crazy Star Fiona Phillips That Also Stared Her Crazy Family Molly Phillips (Who just Happened To Be A Famous Singer) and Jack Phillips Molly and Jack Never Belived Fionas Crazy Theroys That Were Somehow Allways True (I'm Suprised They Didn't Lock Fiona Up In Green oaks) The Show Is About Fi's Crazy Mind When She Goes On Tour With Her Rockstar Mom. The plot Was About 14 year old Fiona Phillips Trying To Find Out What Happened To Her Dead Fsther (Give It A Rest He Died When U were 3) On This long Journey Fona Better Known As Fi Encountered ghost and goblins and Zombies and all kinds of weird paranormal stuff. (Or So Fi says) It Had 3 seasons and Fi Went off To live her aunt she was replaced by a stupid annoying Blond Named Annie Thailand Who didn't have any real goal besides becomeing A singer. Because Fi Currupted Annie With Her Crazy Thoughts And Theorys Annie Claims She Sees Sprits and paranormal stuff too.(That poor poor Girl) Annie Becomes Facinated With It and Becomes Just as Crazy as Fi Some Belive She Is Fi's daughter.
No really Its Very Interesting And A good Show
Did I just see A Ghost (No Wait That was Fi Who Saw A ghost)
So weird, Crazy 14 year old Girls, Rockstar Moms, And Paranormal Stuff
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A ginger that has body pillow cases and is also overweight
Look at Wesley over there heβs a weird retard
1.) A greeting when hanging with weird friends.
2.) After doing something weird a term used to get others to participate.
Weird up bro!
Yo did you see that .... weird up !
were your friend dick is pointing west
Person 1-Hey yo why your dick look like weird west
Person 2-I don't know man