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whiskey feet

Extremely fucked up feet that require a lot of whiskey to look at.

That bitch got whiskey feet.

by Dick Hunter 69 July 29, 2018

whiskey bic

Being drunk to the point that you can no longer make your childproof lighter function.

Really need a smoke, but I got a bad case of whiskey bic... Got a light?

by loligotx July 10, 2013

whiskey behavior

The risky or stupid behavior that occurs after drinking too much whiskey.

Bill: Hey , did you see Bob at the Christmas Party? He was hitting on the boss's wife.
Bruce: Yeah, he was drinking straight Jack all night, talk about whiskey behavior!

by BostonBruce October 16, 2015

whiskey wagon

It's when you're drunk as fuck on Jameson Whiskey and your night could go anywhere and end up anywhere and you won't remember how the fuck you got there! That's called catching the Whiskey Wagon

Dude we were so wasted last night we took a ride one the whiskey wagon and the next thing I remember was Being in some girls mansion eating leftovers from her fridge then her dad coming home.

by Simo82 March 19, 2017

whiskey goosebumps

When you take a shot of whiskey and you have to swallow it twice, which gives you sweaty teeth and goosebumps all over your body.

Oh wow that one went down well it looks like

No actually, it gave me whiskey goosebumps

by TaintMisbehavin May 24, 2022

French Whiskey

What southern Mississippians call a drink involving a hazy beer mixed with a small amount of ranch

I dun drank too many of those French whiskeys last night and now I got the squirts

by Bully wintershot April 30, 2023

Whiskey Pilot

When you aren’t sure what you have to go to the bathroom for, but you know you have to go.

I honestly might have to make this trip a Whiskey Pilot because I don’t really know if I have to do a #1 or #2 or maybe even a #3.

by 20Jawless July 13, 2021