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1. A person of Anglo-Saxon descent who attempts to perform the mannerisms atypical of a person of North-American Black decscent. Derived from a mixing of the words "White and Nigger. See also wegro; white Negro

"Josh is always saying, 'Yo' and grabbing his crotch area just because he was raised around Blacks; he is such a wigger!"

by Tall Tee August 30, 2006

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A white person (usually suburban) who acts and dresses gangster (black, urban). Usually ends up in jail or getting addicted to crack and has a mental defect that makes him/her like rap music.

Also known as a Wankster

Fucking wiggers, they look like retards and act like retards!

by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008

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Not to be confused with Whigger- a drunk person who sells wigs door to door as a profession.

Eminem is the ultimate wigger.

by sneakheads February 3, 2010

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I whit man acting like a nigga(black man)

"Look at that wigger with all that bling!"

by antwannn June 22, 2007

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A white male from Warren OH, trying to fit in.

By whe way he acts around black people you can tell Rick is wigger.

by Suga Booger July 14, 2008

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A ghetto hillbilly. A non-ghetto hillbilly is simply a piece of white trash, but when they act "gangsta" they magically transform into wiggers.

Eminem and way too many high school "winners" are examples of wiggers.

by Holly and Ana January 30, 2008

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a white male/female, absolutely untolerable, can't understand a word they say, just OBVIOUSLY a wanna be . it's pathetic .

(real) white girl; hello, how are you today ?

(fake) white boy; aye mah how ya doin ?

girl; excuse me ?

boy; ya know mah, wus gud ?

girl; uhh, it's all good.. nothing's bad ?

boy; ight mah . dats kool .

girl; it is ? oh right it is !

boy; so mah i be hittin ya up lata .

girl; excuse me ? you wont be hitting nothing on me wigger !

by vickster . July 24, 2008

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