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Monica young

The hottest girl in st.marys ohio

I’m crushing on Monica young bro like bruhhh

by St.maryshoes October 18, 2021

1👍 1👎

young gays

young gays are a people who stans louis tomlinson only they are so loyal to him, they’re like a group of bees and got his back no matter what. every artist wish they had fans like them plus they’re all gay so that’s a pouns

the young gays remain the winning and superior team.
Young gays: It’s pronounced like Louis Tomlinson.

by young gay July 5, 2018

Free young

Freely, Playful, Immature, and look for a good laugh... The kind of people who don't want to grow up. They are the people who skip school or work to hang out with friends, and still play video games. Are you free young?

I am so free young i don't need school, I am just too sexy. (Example doesn't describe me at all)

by Sxy-Jerry June 10, 2008


The pure definition of being person who loves Jam, prepares a quiche for sharing everyday, and is never seen outside without a biscuit.

That big ginger dude there? Yeah, he's obviously a Moncaster-Young, you can see the jam pouring out of his pockets, his backpack full of quiche, and handful of digestives.

by darulgee November 11, 2013

Young Herv

A cool an swaggish dude.

A person that is popular and cool.

Dude 1: Your a young herv.

Dude 2: Thanks bro.

by HaterzDontHate November 21, 2012

young orphan

Has too much SoundCloud followers, and gets all the bitches unlike you.

Man 1: “Damn ni🅱️🅱️a he’s music is good young orphan is lit!”
Man 2: “I told you I’m the bomb
Man 1: “ w h a t
Man 2: “ DIE!”

by s u c k m y d i c January 25, 2018

Young Love

When minors (up to 17) fall in love. Sometimes it can really be a serious relationship, but usually tend to be short and sweet, and pitter off. Old people enjoy fawning over it.

Example— Grandma: “Isn’t young love sweet? They’re so adorable!

by MemeFace October 11, 2020