Source Code

American drycorn infiltration Explosion

This is when you take a high powered vacuum cleaner and fill it with small bits of corn and put it on blow with the end of it in a complete strangers butthole. The is either a complete explosion of the hosts body or it come out the other end, if it comes out the other end you must eat or drink it, depends on the form.

Chad: Susan is gonna let me try the American drycorn infiltration explosion on her!!
John: lucky

by American bartender 25 June 30, 2018

American Academy

American academy is a private school in Larnaca, Cyprus. It is a very good school. They care about the students and also cares about children education!

American Academy is a school in Larnaca

by Peter.Jonh February 24, 2022

American Volcano

The act of banging your girlfriend, then while fucking her, spread her ass cheeks, puke in her butt hole, than smack her ass and watch it spew out... like a volcano

Man, I gave my girlfriend an American Volcano last night and than she had to go to the hospital.

by Spedmuffin1 July 18, 2011

BenjrovganBJraSTASS'S GanBJrASTERioTs BEJriPyTomBuriaLonnie Benningfieldoubjraggin American juniorelbjaloods relbjaleeds

Benningfield junior over Ass's ganbjrasteriots bejripytomburialonnie Benningfieldoubjraggin american juniorelbjaloods relbjaleeds is created by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine the red black and the blue becussins relbjatives.

I invented and made and created and started benjrovganbjrastass's ganbjrasteriots bejripytomburialonnie Benningfieldoubjraggin American juniorelbjaloods relbjaleeds relbjatives becussins for life. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

by LBJAY December 29, 2025

American moment


A: Oh wow your American moment lol


by qluz July 15, 2022

American Cheese

Also known as plastic cheese or asshole cheese
Brand Name: Kraft Singles
It is that shitty-tasting processed cheese that is made of expired milk and soybean oil that ruins burgers and should NOT be used for grilled cheeses.

Friend 1: Yo bro! I made you a grilled cheese
Friend 2 : this smells like dog shit, what kind of cheese is this?
Friend 1: American Cheese
Friend 2: Suck my dick

by Marker000 August 3, 2024

American Cheese

1. Referred to as an American that eats processed food such as Twinkies, Lunchables, and American cheese and is severely ugly; could be identified as a monster.
2. A woman or girl that is really hot typically with blonde hair because their hair matches what the color of American cheese is. She could be ugly too but cheese is cheese

1. (in walmart) look at that sad overweight AMERICAN CHEESE in the frozen food section. I cant believe someone could live like that CHEESE.

2. (in the mall) Bro that AMERICAN CHEESE is so hot she’s like a model.

by Sea person July 19, 2021