Source Code

sol. 4:7


sol. 4:7
I know jessi is beautiful but she wont relize it

by Thoamssssssssssss November 13, 2019

4 Октября

День когда все Айпери мира дарят Саидам шаурму.

-Сегодня 4 октября! Интересно какой вид шаурмы Айпери подарит…
-Офигеть, я знаю она дарит гигантский биг донер для Саида
-Оо я уверена что он будет счастлив

by Dk9911 October 3, 2023

4 legged duck day

National 4 legged duck day

Comon lets go catch a 4 legged duck it’s National 4 legged duck day.

by Lexi Simmons October 24, 2019

4 Way Flasher

When you get flashed from all directions

Inmate 1: Tony watch out for the 4 way flasher while you showering
Inmate 2: What you mean 4 way flasher?
Finds out what 4 way flasher is.

by JimboFishCockSucker42 June 16, 2023

little 4

the sexiest friend group to ever exist.

oh my days is that little 4?” -queen elizabeth
“you can’t get into the club” -barack obama

“why not?” -donald trump

“bc you aren’t a part of little 4” -barack obama

“ugh i wish i was in little 4” -regina george

“slay little 4🙄💅” -nicki minaj queen of rap

by LittleFourever September 19, 2022

little 4

the sexiest friend group to ever exist.

“oh my days is that little 4?” - queen elizabeth
“you can’t get into the club” - barack obama

“why not?” - donald trump

“bc you aren’t a part of little 4” -barack obama
“oh how i wish i was in little 4.” - regina george
“slay little 4🙄💅” - nicki minaj queen of rap

by LittleFourever September 19, 2022


When you're really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored

you: wow i'm bored
you also: '"1!2@3#4$5%6¨7&8*9(0)qwertyuiop´`{asdfghjklç~^}\|zxcvbnm,<.>;:/?¹²³£¢¬§ªº°

by my completely real name September 27, 2022