a lady on Downton Abbey (a TV show) that gets raped by a Turkish gentleman that dies when they make out for just a couple minuets.
Just watch Downton Abbey. Lady Mary is awesome
1. A woman who tries to presents herself as a virgin mary.
2. A woman who is naive.
3. A woman who will find good even in a serial killer.
Well let me tell you, she's no Mary Milktoes.
Here comes Ms. Mary Milktoes, with an apple for the teacher.
a threesome involving two girls and a guy
Vanessa, Jane and Jeremy were involed in an unvirgin Mary last night
Mari leen is the sweetest and most understanding girl you will ever meet. If you want a kind and considerate friend mari leen is your pic
I had a chat with mari leen the other day
Aude-Marie is a very active girl. She loves soccer. She’s one of the most kind person that you’ll ever meet. She is always there for you and she can always make you laugh. She’ll always place you before her. She’ll listen to you when you need a confident and never judge you. She can keep a secret and you can always count on her.
That girl is so nice!
Who is she?
Aude-Marie ! <3
Baby bubbas the cutest baby ever to be born. She is outseandlingy amazing!
Nicole Marie Is Amazing!