M30, 30-bomb,blues,fetty,dirty-30s, M-boxes
(Pressed fentanyl pills)
30 bang - “I snorted a 30-bang yesterday, I was nodding like a mf.”
They have a great smile, care too much for the loved ones and maybe flirty
They are hard worker , romantic, and are patient and private
Very cute, caring and best smile ever
Most probably hard worker, romantic
Very patient and private
I'm so in love with huu bang
This phrase is used to describe Bang Christopher Chan. You'll never meet anyone quite like him. A special human being. (once in a life time)
Stray kids leader is a once in a bang time person.
When you tried to downgrade your PS4, to instead end up on the highest version.
Dude, why don't you use hacks on PS4?
I can't, I Umar banged it on accident lately.
When a girl takes her boobs and smashes the guys dick in between them
Man last night my girlfriend garagedoor banged me in my sleep
My friend's favourite porn. It involves a chest, male or female, and a whole lot of shitting on said chest.
Seb: "Aww man, I came so hard last night!"
Joe: "What were you jacking it to?"
Seb: "Oh you know, Some Titty Shitty Bang Bang!"