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Oliver and the Boner Clowns

a group of people on an acid trip in a forest

Mate its so fun to be doing the whole Oliver and the boner clowns, Why is it called Oliver?

because Oliver is an anagram for Lover and im loving this acid

by Zec12 March 1, 2017

Reverse history boner

When you get a boner from looking at photos of your significant other from before you met them.

My girlfriend was showing me
pictures of her from high school and she was so hot I got a reverse history boner.

by pxd6 August 10, 2014

Main event boner

When casual mixed martial arts fans obsess over the winner of the weekend main event for days, and then nearly forget the fighter who participated exists shortly after.

i cant wait till twitter gets over their main event boner and shuts up about how great francis is.

by imposter_edits June 30, 2019

A bitch with two boners

In reference to the phrase "a dog with two bones"

This phrase has two meanings

1) a girl in a love triangle who is deciding between 2 men by strictly there dick. Whether its the size and girth or how much fun it was or how much stamina each had.

2) a girl in a gangbang or threesome who is unable to decide which dick she wants first.

Like a dog with 2 bones gwen couldnt decide with guy she wanted robert or ken. It was a real toss up between roberts size or kens stamina., she really was a bitch with two boners.

by Theamazinggeek January 24, 2018

pillow fight boner

a weird boner that occurs during a pillowfight, can also occur when engaging in an aggressive non sexual activity.

the supor has a wicked pillow fight boner over that guy

by snaxct July 25, 2014

Dizzy Boner Syndrome

When you get so turned on by a dude's piece that it causes you to faint.

What happened to Jose? "Oh he's okay, he just has dizzy boner syndrome."

by BigDaddyBarbos February 18, 2022

Old school boner

A highly respectful sized penis that doesn't exist ordinarily

Just driving along with an old school boner

by Mel&TimTam June 8, 2016