If you read this ya you need to chill the fuck out and don't give a shitee.If you do care just don't save yourself the trouble of intensifying screaming like a little bitch you fk Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet.remeber chill the fk out and stop causing a karen attitude.
Friend:Yo bro why tf that guy has a dark auro surrounding him
Me:Oh his a little bitch born a bitch ass and will die as a bitch ass
Friend:Well Said
Me:I know haha the true meaning of a Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet
When you hear somebody sing like an angel.
Girl:so thats what you hear in heaven or..
Boy:No baby, that's coco siwa (jojo siwa but mixed with Shabnam the wengie's personality and coco jones' accent)
Used to mock people when they do something that don't make you laugh
Guy : Why did the chicken cross the road...to get to the other side.
Guy 2 : hehe so funny!!!
Um... That you're an angry old dwarf that wasted his entire life trying to do what I DID in like 15 minutes.
Hym "What's so fucking funny is that YOU'RE ONLY SUCCESSFUL... Because there's an ARMY OF RETARDS... Preventing people from being successful... But only because THEY CAN'T BE SUCCESSFUL... That's the funny. It goes against their 'MiNdSeT' or something for things to be easy."