Source Code

The Waffle House has found it’s new host.

A small internet trend started by the youtuber Jonny RaZer shorts / jonny raZeR. Basically you go into a video/ short or whatever the case may be and just say “ The Waffle House has found it’s new host

Youtube short video: Blah blah blah blah

Comments: Johnypickle23: The Waffle House has found it’s new host.

coolcat42: The waffle house has found it’s new host.

tacotexter128: The waffle house has found it’s new host.

by Cornelius crinklecut the 364th January 17, 2023

do you have stairs in your house

A phrase used by www.somethingawful.com goons. It is derived from an old song regarding robots; the author of the song tried to gain fame equal to that of the All Your Base phenomenon. It failed to gain much popularity, but SA goons use the phrase to this day to identify other goons.

A special response is required to correctly answer this question and let the questioner know that one is indeed an SA goon. The generally accepted answer is "I am protected." Be aware that if you use this reply without actually being an SA goon, you may open yourself up to a world of hurt.

<Goon> do you have stairs in your house
<Bob> I am protected.
<Goon> So how about that FYAD thread about mechagirl
<Bob> Fia-what? Who girl?
<Goon> goddamnit you got the stairs response from urbandictionary didnt you
<Bob> Yes.

by Lurky McLurkflakes April 18, 2005

485👍 194👎

Ten Points to (harry potter house here)

Used when someone does something good or impressive that deserves recognition. Usually depends on the type of person they are then you can choose the house they go into


Sonia: NO JOKE Ten Points to (harry potter house here)

*since jen is super smart she would be ravenclaw

by Tara I'm Terrible December 14, 2010

10👍 2👎

confusing as father's day at shawn kemp's house

a very confising situation. Named so because Mr. Kemp has six children with four different women, and so the occurence of father's day will likely feature puzzlement on Mr. Kemp's part as he tries to match the children with their mothers, not to mention the catfight bound to break out when four ghetto ladies gather to discuss the children fathered by the same man.

-How was the math exam?
-Fuck, I dont think I got a question right. It was as confusing as father's day at shawn kemp's house...

by maks July 23, 2004

29👍 13👎

Taco Night at James Earl Jones House.

"I haven't seen blasts like this since Taco Night at James Earl Jones House."

"I haven't seen blasts like this since Taco Night at James Earl Jones House."

by FRICKO MODE September 7, 2021

10👍 2👎

The Cauliflower's Cumin from Inside the House Burger

A Bob's Burgers Halloween burger that comes with cauliflower and cumin

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's The Cauliflower's Cumin from Inside the House Burger, you should try it!"

by America Lover 🇺🇸 November 17, 2018

54👍 28👎

The Waffle House Has Found It’s New Host

Umm.. I am not sure what this means either.

The Waffle House has founds its new host.

What do you mean?

The Waffle House Has Found It’s New Host Means that it found a new a host jackass

by Glibber flook January 16, 2023

17👍 8👎