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Ryan J. Joseph

A Sri Lankan basketball legend that is adored by fans all over Colombo. Watches NBA during English and depsides Fish Middleton

Person 1: Whos that guy watching NBA in english
Person 2: Obviously it's Ryan J. Joseph

by classic aussie wog March 24, 2023

ryan doebler

the best man in the world who knows it all and is never wrong

ryan doebler is so epic l

by bob tuker October 25, 2020

Ryan's Haircut

Definiton: slang for when you wanna refer someone's dead trim to a coconut

Ex: You are as shit as Ryan's Haircut.

by Ryan's Shit Haircut April 27, 2018

Ranger ryan

When you punch someone’s ball sack so hard, it gets sucked into their butthole

He had to go to the hospital after he got a Ranger Ryan

by Ladybaby45 August 23, 2019


an amazing human. He is also called a gibbon as he laughs like one.

other guy: no its just Ryan.

by notHecker November 23, 2021


Boys named Ryan are typically very gay and tend to represent themselves as pelicans

Ryan is a gayboyyyy

by Suckyourmommmm May 18, 2020


A retarded skinny kid who have an ego bigger than the sun and is more racist than everyone in the world combine. All he talks about is fortnite and lies about things he did in the game when really he doesn't have the game. Also he will make you so fucking triggered than you question your existence. When you turn of an electronic that he is using he will wish for you to die.

Shut up ryan.

by timpusssmash March 11, 2019