Will did not like it obviously because he gave him a potato wave.
a very fat cat who is sweet and lovable. he is very cute and chunky.
My potato cat was sleeping in my lap.
A girl or guy who is always copying u or others on anything they envy will steal credit over anything and act all nice towards everyone else BUT YOU and when u tell someone about them and how much u hate them they will think u are the bad one!
guy: no shes a nice girl ur the pototo bish
girl: dont said i did not warn u -____-
The act of dunking your balls into a ladies bum hole while having sex.
The balls are the potato's going back into the soil (poop hole)
Graham gave me a deep potato last night.
Mixed interest you have on football, cricket and other TV shows on air.
A wants to watch FIFA world cup, B wants to watch Cricket , C wants to watch Good Morning America & D is okay with any of the show coz he has a mixed interest on all above.
Jonny : Put the channel back on FIFA World Cup.
Michael : Put it back on Cricket, its between England & S.Africa.
Ronny : I want to watch Good Morning America
John : Guys, do whatever you want, i have potato interest, but get back to one channel ASAP.
n. Slovenly person with no ambition and bad posture.
Get some shape on your benighted life you didgeridoo-bashing slouch potato. You don’t want to end up washing koala scrotums down the docks in Perth.
A movie with western tropes and stererotypes that is set in the country of Ireland or made by Irish filmmakers; similar to the way Italian ones are called spaghetti westerns
Liam Neeson stars in the potato western "In the Land of Saints and Sinners" set in County Donegal during the time of The Troubles.
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