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Ketamine a animal tranquilliser more commonly used up ya nose

Jack:got any k
Cous cous:yes bruv I’ve got some banging k

by Baddest man stilll November 10, 2019


Oh, no. You got in this situation, well you're done. If a girl responds to a text with "k.", you're not on good terms with them. It's generally a message sent to express to you that they are mad.


Carl: Hey, beautiful.
Jessica: Hey, thanks! :)
Carl: I'm sorry typo! lol i meant hey you piece of scumbag, hehe.
Jessica: k.

by BlueYup December 18, 2020


K is often used as a term for the class b drug, ketamine.

How much k you got left g?

by FtownPlug June 30, 2019


K means that he or she is pissed, someone usually says k when they don’t give a fuck or they are hurt and want to get across how much they don’t care

John: I think that was nice ellie said to you
Cherry(who thinks it was super mean and it hurt her): k.

by Helper30 June 6, 2018


‘k’ also known as ‘Angerfulfilledattitudeandmoodchangermajorchangeinatmosphereandpissesmerightthefuckoffsis‘, the longest word containing a record breaking 88 letters and means, “to get annoyed by 1 syllable of disinterest.”
Pronounced ~ anger-ful-filled-at-tit-ude-and-moo-d-chan-ge-r-major-chan-ge-in-at-mo-sphere-and-piss-es-me-right-th-e-fu-ck-off-sis

Me: You won’t believe what happened today!
Friend: k
Me: k

by Ya Boi-Bot 2000 December 23, 2020


When someone is extremely mad, they reply "with K." To prove there angry

I'm mad at him I replied with K.

by Sillyduck3 June 6, 2019


If you write your friend a whole ass paragraph and they respond with “k” they’re fake.

Friend: you’re the best person ever. No one could ever replace you. I could’ve asked for a better friend than you ❤️

by iiLxserLeahii October 29, 2020