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smokey the bear hug

a raver who smokes alot of weed and gives people bear hugs. but there is only one of these in the world.

hi my name is smokey the bear hug, would you like one?

by <3stbh June 27, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

We Bare Bear Jay

Having oral sex while watching We Bare Bears or any other cartoon.

Him; laughing
Her; Are laughing during this We Bare Bear Jay?
Him; Pan Pan is killing me in this scene!

by IcebearSorryNotSorry May 18, 2019

457๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bad News Bears

to bear the knoledge of bad news, carry the informatiion of bad incodent

"Did you see where my ball went" , yes its bad news bears

by BGB September 11, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

George-Yogi Bear-Edwards

A loveable mormon with integrity and values.

Woah man, you're like a modern day George-Yogi Bear-Edwards when you refuse alcohol and stand up for justice!

by George-Yogi Bear-Edwards January 16, 2010

99๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

polar bear head

Blowjob with cold hands and lots of teeth.

When Kuato_Lives' girlfriend went down on him, the only sensation he could feel beyond the aching cold of her hands was the violent scrape of her teeth. While he appreciated the effort, the Polar Bear Head just wasn't going to work.

by Letsbreakit February 19, 2014

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bi polar bear

A very moody finance manager

Take your deal to the Bi polar Bear's office, I'm not sure what mood he's in.

by SHIT BAAAAAAGZ December 4, 2010

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mango black bear

when a black female eat nothing but mangos for two days straight and then shits on a male penis then inserting it into her vagina.

were's Jim? his girlfriend and him are doing a mango black bear

by smurfing fun January 24, 2012

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