A dude that just wants to eats girls asses… Nothing else
Did he end up fucking that chick? Nah man, he’s just a mud duck
A female with bad hygiene, no morals or boundaries, and cheap.
Ghetto, ratchet, trik, etc
Ewww! Jack paid for a mud-duck that was walking down Clark Ave?!
How much?
Damn what a waste of$15.
Look at those 2 mud-ducks waiting for someone to pull over.
You can't trust mud-ducks. They are scandalous and sneaky.
Traditionally, a Mud Duck, as colloquially known to the White community, is a white female who dates african american men. In hunting, a mud duck is a species of duck who are known to congregate in ponds and eat bugs from the muck, often grey or black in color; distinct from the grander Mallard or Wood duck species, Mud Ducks are usually easy to find and their meat is of subpar quality.
That gal is a mud duck, just leave her be.
A very short man with a goatee that is somehow very addicted to games. When you see a skinny duck you should always
remember to call him Hey skinny duck and he will come running at you trying to rip your intestines out of your .
He is such a wannabe guy!
Skinny duck stole my pencil case oh wel i dont care.
When you slip into the wrong hole because it's to big
We were fucking doggy style and I was a little and hit her with the accidental duck.
When you're eating someone's ass and they fart in your face and your cheeks make it sound like a duck call.
Austin's boyfriend gave him a Kentucky duck call and now he has double pink eye.