A game created by satan himself when you play you can’t escape ,sort of like ’sao’(Search it up).
Suhaas:want to play fortnite
Me:in the name of god be banished to the deepest part of hell ,demon!!
A popular battle royale video game that has over 500,000 concurrent players. There is also a "Save the World" portion of the game which you have to pay for. It is a survival game like Call of Duty Zombies.
Yo, Fortnite Season 5 is sick!
A video game jn which 100 6-9 year olds scream at the walls lick windows and drive the battle bus then after come to school and talk about fake bullshit they have done in the game and if they dont STFU ABOUT THE GAME I KIGHT BECOME A SCHOOL SHOOTER!
Hello quandale dingle did you see quagmires victory royel last night on fortnite he said he has been playing for 17 fortnights