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Beat a furry for ten days

You can beat a furry on February 10th through February 20th

man 1: yo bro its Beat a furry for ten days
man 2: bro no way it is

man 1: let beat some furries

by yes<.> February 9, 2024

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Beat girl month

Beat girl mouth is on the 4th October and you have a free pass to beat any girl you want.

Watch out girls it’s beat girl mouths

It’s beat girl month

by Beat girl month October 2, 2020

beat a straight day

Beat a straight day is a day where you can beat any person, male/female who is attracted to the opposite sex. This occurs every year on the 27th of February.

I cannot wait for beat a straight day

by mikeoxlongrvanurs June 26, 2022

beat and delete

fuck someone then leave them (british slang)

"you seem like a beat and delete type of person"

by sovile February 19, 2021

beat Traffic lights day

23.oct is the day were you beat Traffic lights bc they don’t go green (Actually they are already green you just didn't notice and you did just looked dumb and stupid)

beat traffic lights day

you: (Aggressively beating traffic lights)

friend: bro wtf are you doing
you: ITS NOT GOing- green....
you: (looking stupid)

by friendsAreStupidAF October 23, 2020

beat Traffic lights day

23.oct is the day were you beat Traffic lights bc they don’t go green (Actually they are already green you just didn't notice and you did just looked dumb and stupid)

beat traffic lights day

you: (Aggressively beating traffic lights)

friend: bro wtf are you doing
you: ITS NOT GOing- green....
you: (looking stupid)

by friendsAreStupidAF October 23, 2020

I beat my kids

It's when a parent or guardian brings physical harm to their child, it could be out of anger, enjoyment, annoyance, etc.

Parent/Guardian: I don't like the way my kids look so i beat my kids. *shoots son in the arm* Ha ha take that brat.

Son: Ow, that hurt. Please stop beating me, i'm your kid.

by IBeatMyKids April 20, 2022

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