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Well Stick My Dick in a Pickle Jar and Call it Kevin

A saying that signifies absolute disbelief

Well Stick My dick in a Pickle Jar and call it Kevin, that's crazy.

by Ellienymt December 8, 2022

call in the pigeons

to order cocaine, to call in a bag

now i've had a pint i need to call in the pigeons

by Poohtash July 24, 2019

call Lisa

When a girl "calls lisa" in front of you they are usually calling one of there single best friends to tell them that they spot a real keeper in their presence.

I think I need to call Lisa.

by Nedkilley May 21, 2024

A Call Beyond

One of the most powerful Hunter's Tools in Bloodborne, it is found in Upper Cathedral Ward after beating the Celestial Emissary and has S tier arcane scaling.
Opens a portal to a pocket dimension and sends small exploding stars with minor player seeking properties in a circle around the caster.

Requires 40 arcane to use.

Bloodborne player 1: I'm doing an Arcane build, is A Call Beyond a good spell to use?
Bloodborne player 2: Yea, but the Holy Moonlight Sword's projectile is better in most cases.

by Bloodbornebiggestfan January 31, 2025

Call Gooder

A term used to confuse people and play a practical joke on them. When using the term one is suppose to convince the other person to either look it up or, preferably, ask someone who will look at them funny and as foolish. Most often used as a fake sports term.

Justin: "Mandy, you're a call gooder."
Mandy: "What's a call gooder?"
Justin: "Wait a minute! You coach and ref basketball and you don't know what a call gooder is?!?! Wow. You must be a "die hard" basketball junkie!" <<sarcasm>>
Mandy: "What is it?"
Justin: "I can't believe this. Your dad coaches basketball too, ask him!"

by JR STEELE January 22, 2007

call off my phone

To leave some one alone. To forget the person. Not blow up someone’s phone with calls, notifications, messages, etcetera miss me

Guy: call off my phone girl.

Girl: why?
Guy: cause I’m done with you

by Nncmjo January 21, 2018

Intent-based cold calling

Triggering automatic call tasks on Apollo.io and parallel dialing those prospects on Salesfinity.co to get instant call connects while leads are red hot.

I am making intent-based cold calling to get higher conversion.

by Cold calling master August 14, 2023