Alex (in this case male) is your best friend, he has the sweetest smile, and is so attractive, he cares for you and is the reason you smile, he is hilarious, so smart, and he makes your heart light up.
Girl one: I like Alex!
Girl two: SAME! Hes literally perfect!
Me: *drooling*
They are an amazing person and you'd be lucky to know one. they are a genuine genderfluid person
person1: ' you know an alex'
person2:' yep'
He is cute and shy, but secretly enjoys attention. He likes music and photography, and likes a lot of girls.
The most amazing man ever. He is kind, caring, loving. He is passionate about what he believes in. He will make you smile from ear to ear. He is tall and a handsome ginger. He will steal your heart and it will be the best decision ever. If you happen to snag an Alex keep him.
There is no other Alex like this Alex!
Alex is an absolute flirt. He's caring and kind, but isn't afraid to get a little risky. He knows all the pickup lines, but never uses them.
(Used as a male name)
Jasper: Hey, what's that dude's name?
Grace: That's...Alex.