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Tom Bridges

Son of Vicki. Prefers men. Boils meat in bags.

“Dude, you really went to town on that guy last night.” “Yea I put his meat in a bag and boiled him until well done. I’m a total Tom Bridges”

by Wayne Dazey May 30, 2022

tom blair

Not a very nice person in general

OMG that guy over there is such a tom blair

by JSWFC15 March 8, 2018

tom-ble weel

when two men give each other a blow job at the same time and they form a circle.

"oh damn i feel perverted, wanna have a tom-ble weel?

by not a homose November 6, 2010

Tom Wilson

The Zellers or Eaton's brown plate special of names. The crowned King of boring names.

Hey kids! Let's go to Eatons! I heard they have the Tom Wilson brown plate special for $1.49 on Thursdays. Gosh, Dad! What's in it? Salisbury steak, powdered mash potatoes, brown gravy on a yellow plate and everything! Swell, Dad! Can i out salt and pepper on it? Sure can, son... Tom Wilson's for everyone!

by BSBoss November 21, 2024

The toms

Kemis slaves basically

Kemi and the toms

by t1t_suckerr October 9, 2022

The tom

the rich cunt is wanted in 19 countries and owes 10 casinos 25 million dollars and got given head by his maid and runs a shady insurance company

The tom is a fraud

by The milf eater April 7, 2022

Tom Folery

Tom Folery is the HILARIOUS YouTube channel that features Peter, Shannon, Apple, and Jack!
Their upload schedule is complete garbage and they say so many controversial things off camera, most of which get cut out!

Person 1: "hey did you see that new Tom Folery video"
Person 2: "its been 23 years... why the hell would I watch that dead channel..."

by the real tetron May 3, 2024