Literally the opposite of namaste. Rather than honoring the superior individual it is the wipe and flush when dealing with a turd. Note: the lack of capitalization implies a special lack of worthiness of effort in the recipient...👌
When you want to bother someone after the wrote a really long paragraph or when you don't care what the other person is saying
guy1: Hey man guess what i bought the new game it so good
something you say when you’re unoriginal and can’t come up with anything else to say other than “ok” because you’re dry and you have no other words in your vocabulary so you steal other peoples words and say “K” instead because you think you’re funny, when it’s only funny in certain scenarios.
“can you say something that’s not ‘ok’”
“wow you’re so dry and boring smh”
Oh is your name sky? Doing the gatcha/TikTok challenge where you take the first and last letter of your name or your just super bored and searched k
Why tho?
Basically if you end a noun with K immediately after while talking to someone you’re basically calling said noun “lame” or “dayroom” the usage is really difficult considering that “K” originates from New York
“Bro this weed Keegan served me is Reggie...” “ Keegan K why u copping from him in the first place”
K is usually used for replying to a text. (read definitions) The only reason people reply saying this, is because they are bitchy, and just plain-out annoying. Don’t reply to texts saying “k”!
You: I’m so sorry for breaking up with you, can we please just be friends? I’m sorry.
Them: K
Now u hate that person. >:(