Should defo get together because they would make perfect children
Issy and Charlie are dating meaning they love each other and want to have sex
Charlie Board, 14, is an English Roblox YouTuber who is in control of the channel Charlie board games. He attends wellsway school and lives with his parents.
Did you see Charlie board rage is among us?
charlie connolly is the biggest stud ever
Chain Gang Charlie was a rainmaker for Morgan and Morgan law firm making more than a million dollars a year in salary.
A "low five" invented by a Cannabis connoisseur known as "Charlie" whereas the downward "five" is executed with then retracted as quickly possible with a severe excess of the force expected when receiving a "high five".
(It can also be used in a sideways variation)
This is the exact opposite of the 'Charlie Tap'
You know how I can tell he's excited about tonight? He gave you the 'Charlie Slap'...
Guy 1: Damn, that dude's hair is redder than mars.
Guy 2: I know, and his accent is british as hell!
Guy 1: Must be a Charlie Williams.
Charlis have long greasy hair with a lingering smell of old sock dust. She has a severe addiction to pum pum/vaginal canals that hasn’t been washed in 3 weeks or more. (extra flavour)
“i love people who like pum pum as much as charli may”