When your booty is high in the air like a duck's tail in water.
Lillian has full Duck Booty, that thing is half way up her back. Damnnnnnnnnnnn.
Apparently the most powerful Marvel character in the MCU who makes brief cameo's in the Guardians of the Galaxy universe.
Some MCU fans watching Gaurdians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
MCU Fan 1: Wait! Rewind! See that duck?
MCU Fan 3: Yeah.
MCU Fan 1: That's Howard the Duck. The strongest character in the whole Marvel Canon.
MCU Fans besides MCU Fan 1: Thats fucking stupid.
MCU Fan 1: Oh yeah? Read these.
MCU Fans read comics of Howard the Duck being the strongest.
MCU Fan 4: Oh my god!
MCU Fan 2: Did that duck just wipe the floor with the Beyonder and The Man above all?!
MCU Fan 1: Told Ya.
When your girlfriend comes home drunk from the bar and gets stuck in the toilet with the seat up and you have to pull her out.
John had to pull a Howard the Duck on Robin when she came home all shitty last night and fell in the can.
Nickname for the Royal Navy
“I thought you had to be gay to join the diesel ducks”
A very VERY sexy duck, his sexiness is too sexy for anyone
Hello BABY! Can i have some of dat laughing duck?
Duck girl is someone with the name of Connie(con con) 🦆
Boy: hey, con con duck girl
Con con: hey, Jbop what's good