someone who looks really hot on facebook profile picture, but in real life they are butt ugly.
Sam: How was your date
nevin: The girl was so ugly, but on facebook she was hot though.
Sam: She has Facebook fake sexyness for sure than.
6👍 5👎
Confirmation of interest and availability to play poker on said date/time/place
Marley has used the Facebook Like Button , that means he must be available.
The Reverse Facebook Block (RFBB) is when a FB friend, at your request, blocks you.
The RFBB is the ICBM of online disassociation options; more severe than the HIDE, the traditional BLOCK, and the frequently used UNFRIEND features. The Achilles Heel of the traditional block is that you, as the blocker, are at liberty to unblock the former friend in question at your discretion. The RFBB solves this problem by putting the tempting unblock ability firmly in the ex-friend's hands.
Since its introduction in 2013 by the Smooth Reentry blog, use of the RFBB technique has increased dramatically. Experts are unsure if increased utilization is due to its effectiveness at disassociation, or because it falsely legitimizes contact from Stage 5 Clingersone last time. Again.
Jill: I cry every time I see a picture of David on FB.
June: I thought you unfriended him.
Jill: I did, but I always unblock him when I've been drinking.
June: Girl! Quit cyberstalking and Reverse Facebook Block that boy!
When you find somebody on Facebook for the sole purpose of yelling at them via Messenger
Fair warning, my friend is about angry Facebook find you.
stupid logic just because google doesnt have it doesnt mean that it doesnt exist
any logical person: Facebook Karen logic much?
Someone that constantly posts what day it is on Facebook. This is usually done in a tiresome or annoyed manner, & often related to the number of remaining days of the workweek.
Jen: I hate Mondays! Friday can't get here soon enough!
John: Jen, you're a real Facebook day dropper.
Suzy: What??? It's only THURSDAY?? Dang.
John: Ugh, again! Stop being a fb day dropper.
Brian: Tuesday done. Three more days until freedom...
John: Yes we get it Brian, you're a real Facebook day dropper.
Mary: It's Wednesday? Hurry up Friday!
John: Shut it Mary! Don't be a Facebook day dropper!
A person, generally female, who operates two or more facebook accounts in a futile attempt to conceal her multiple relationships.
Melissa has two Facebook accounts, she's a two faced two-facebook bitch.