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quirop x

A handsome tall man that industrial dances and is an original person who inspires poetry and romantics in a dark world that needs a little light.

He was the tallest quirop x of all the male dancers and artist around. He is a Renaissance LATINO MAN!

by Quirop-x January 2, 2024


The Interconnectedness that exists between all organism on this planet and beyond. It is the idea that on a micro and nano scale all organisms are made up of the same molecules that abide by the same rules of physics. Thereby all beings sharing a common ‘blueprint’ and thus being connected by this physically.

Why do you care so much about the environment?”

“Because of X-Crystalidem”

by Lemonbubble December 13, 2022

Star x winter

A very romantic couple, they're so cute together ^-^

Omg star x winter so adorable

by Gothic puppets April 14, 2021

X-Y jelly

Pre-cum that oozes from a guy's love-pipe and helps to lubricate the genitals during intercourse. Y-Y jelly is the slippery stuff that a lady exudes from her love-tunnel.

X-Y jelly and Y-Y jelly can indeed make a nice combination during sex, but often you will need a little K-Y jelly for a truly pleasant and pain/friction-free lovemaking experience.

by QuacksO December 30, 2019

slade x raylynn

these two are a team and are brave, loyal- like all the girls and the fucking guys will fall for them but there inseparable

slade x raylynn are a amazing couple

by fffgffhbvfvfbvhbfvhv August 20, 2022

x kwon

The baddest bitch, gets what the want, plenty of Sugar Daddies, educated and successful.

That X Kwon is such a an amazing and iconic human being.

by X Kwon December 20, 2016