When you hit some mother Fucker and they didnt do nothing with you
You hit me nigga that’s a false hit
"bro I think im going to hit the cliff soon"
To drive to a drop off to sell something illegal mostly used in Chicago
Yo boa ima hit this fade real quick then we can go to martrels to smoke this spliffy
When you are stoned and to for A snowboard jump
-You heard John broke his arm when he hit the sky
Jack Black sang it better.
Jack Black is goated. Did you hear he sang “Hit me baby one more time?”
Yeah. His version kicks Britany’s version’s ass.
The act of tagging youtube (or similar sites) videos with irrelevant words or phrases, so it will come up in popular searches, giving the video more hits or views.
Jeff: Did you find that video of the T-Rex eating a monster truck on youtube?
Dave: I thought I did, but it turned out it was just a hit tag.
Not a complete hit of Marijuana
Bruce is a pussy he just took a foe hit