The opposite of the person who wears the pants in a relationship. Also known as a beta or a sub.
Veronica is the pants watcher for sure. But she likes being told what to do so it works.
When your ass decided to drop an f bomb of shit in your pants.
Ohh no peters got potty pants!!
One who potties in their pants much like a lil baby or a drummer or a lil baby drummer.
That lil baby drummer is such a potty pants.
Tears of satisfaction following the act of ejaculating in one's trousers. Most likely occurring with very little sexual stimulus.
He was so turned on my himself he was covered in pants tears.
When you accidentally ejaculate while running a 5K marathon and are forced to finish the race.
The marathon went great but the last mile I had to deal with ranch pants.
The act of wearing two pairs of pants (ex. shorts over long pants). If you wear three pairs of pants, it’s called triple pants. Brendan from Pokémon Emerald invented this with his capri pants/sweatpants crap, then May started almost a decade later with her denim shorts and bike shorts. Holy hell.
Jason: walks in with two pairs of pants - given example
Freddy: jason wtf are you wearing
Jason: double pants