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poop sorbet

When someone leaves you a fat pile of diareah in the toilet without flushing. But still lights a sweet candle.

When someone leaves you a fat pile of diareah in your toilet without flushing. But still lights a sweet smelling candle. Mom poop sorbet.

by Tamtamlee January 10, 2014

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Pee poop

When you go to poop and it's like pee.

I had a sandwich with clear mayo and I soon had a case of pee poops.

by waternymph June 27, 2017

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poop tickles

When you poop so much that the poop fills up the toilet bowl and tickles your ass cheeks

After that burrito, I went to the bathroom and had the worst case of poop tickles

by Lil breezy April 21, 2015

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Poop lasagna

Jake Paul

Poop lasagna, poop lasagna. Jake Paul ain't nothingp, but a poop lasagna.

by Saitama 777 September 10, 2020

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poop and goop

Its when your pooping and you jack off... Jordan tata was first to coin poop and goop when he was discovered at work beating off to the smell of his poop.

Jordan tata starts every day with a hot shower and a poop and goop

by -Hew419- February 29, 2016

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Pooping at Target

The one place with strong toilets enough to hold your after buffet/chipotle experience.

Guy: "I was shopping at Target then all the sudden I had a turtle head poking out from my butt since I was at Chipotle earlier. I ran to the bathroom to Bomb The Bowl, and do I feel bad for the next person that walks in there. I am thankful that i was pooping at Target because they have toilets that could flush down a hurricane!"

by MuffinStuffers November 18, 2014

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Poop Nuggets

When you shit and you get shit in your ass hair that hardeners.

Damn I didn't wipe good now I got Poop Nuggets

by BigkingLee September 16, 2016

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