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A line used to say when you don't have anything to say. Mostly use by Abrea.

Zer: hey, I'm a handsome man!
Abrea: K

by zeroinfinity June 16, 2021


Shortend version of ok or okay
Meaning " I don't give a shit about what you just said" or "your to unimportant to take my time to write the text out" normally used by parents who don't understand texting, lazy people, and texting jerks

" I really feel we have a connection" texts John to Margaret

" k" Margaret replies, Margaret thinks John is weird and has no connection there for not giving two shits about what John thinks
"Do you want to hang out tonight?" Texts Linda to Shopie
"K" replies Shopie, she is to busy to care what Linda has to say

by Fuck English language October 25, 2015


A rude way of saying okay

Lily: Hey the meeting tonight is canceled.
Winston: K
Lily: Blocked!

by Just a Helpful Person April 11, 2019


A shorter version of 'okay' used either when someone is frustrated or know they're wrong in an argument.

"Everyone knows the Earth is flat!"
"No, it fucking isn't."

by MightBeAudio May 10, 2020


It is national wish K happy birthday and for her to remember always step on bitches that try to outshine you and the bomb ass bitches that are beneath you because I’m still on top us pretty bitches we rock

Kayla is a bitch to slap you don’t try me hoe

by Bitchontop January 27, 2022


Word you use when you want to be an oversized cunt piece of shit

"Hey we can chill later if you want"

by Heylookitstits January 4, 2017


Fast way to say "okay"

Bro 1: Ay, im going to the mall tomorrow.
Bro 2: K.

by Ben Dover XX May 1, 2021